After your treatment
Essex Reiki Healing - for you and your pets
* Relieve stress and anxiety * improve physical health * experience inner calm* boost energy and spirit levels
* improve wellbeing * and much more...
What to expect from an animal reiki session
As reiki is a non-invasive treatment it can be given at a distance as well as hands-on, and always with the animal's permission. A session will last up to an hour and during the first part of the session I will be setting an intent, requesting an animal's permission and then connecting with the animal, in order to start to channel the energy. When working with an animal I will start by offering reiki from a distance and often the animal will come over and position itself so I can place my hands wherever they feel the energy is needed. Other times they may fall into a "reiki nap", either standing or lying down.

Horses at Remus Sanctuary enjoying reiki - note their stance

The horses are walking off but let the pony come over for reiki now

The horses visited each volunteer in turn, and nudged us to say, "thank you"
Suggestions for a schedule of treatments
Although healing can often be seen in one or two treatments, for continued health and wellbeing after an illness, all animals benefit most from a regularly scheduled programme of reiki. For animals displaying signs of illness or who are under veterinary or other holistic care, I recommend a treatment several times in the first week, followed by a session weekly or fortnightly, until recovered.
For horses, dogs and cats nearing transition, I would begin with a series of treatments on consecutive days and then as required. Animal owners may also find it beneficial to receive reiki themselves, to assist with the grief and emotional issues involved with losing a much loved pet.
You can email me at to check availability - appointments are available at weekends. All animal reiki sessions take place in the family home or animal's location and travel charges will apply from a 3 mile radius of Witham, or St Osyth in Essex.

Did you know?
If you are stressed or anxious, it is likely that your pet is picking up on your low energy and stress. I offer a session for you and your pet at a discounted price. Email me at to check availability.
Please note that I abide by the Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics and therefore follow these guidelines:
I work in partnership with the animal
I always ask permission of the animal before beginning, and respect his or her decision to accept or refuse any treatment. I listen intuitively and observe the animal's body language in determining the response
I allow each animal to choose how to receive his or her treatment; thus each treatment could be a combination of hands-on, short distance and/or distant healing, depending on the animal's preference
Should your animal refuse treatment then I will respect their wishes and cease the treatment - the remainder of the session will be spent discussing aftercare and providing you with recommendations to help your animal, as they do not wish to participate in reiki at that time